
Archive for November 23rd, 2006

It must have been early morning, or very late into the night. All life was dead, breathing heavily (ignore the obvious contradiction here) under the insulating comfort of stuffed cotton in their tiny cells. Sleep, however, had eluded my eyes. The spooky loneliness of my room haunted my imagination. The world outside was numb. And so was I, lost in the mirage of befuddling thoughts –

Incidentally, I’d a Marlboro as the sole company in the dark. I just had to ask myself – should I?

Well, as it turns out, I’m only human. In fact, it was perfect justice to the concept of smoking. You’re all by yourself, jobless, vulnerable! I gave in!

But then, I was in for better! A shadow appears from the corner. Our eyes meet. Not a word said. It was lust at first sight!

Well well!

And hence one fine day had an unexpectedly beautiful night.

A Night To Remember. Sleepless In Hostel. Lusty and Bold. Seductivity. How To Win A Guy In One Kiss. My Sexy Guy. Oh Sweet November! (I’ll assume you are a reasonable movie buff, and can figure out where this comes from!)

PS: Experimenting with this guy’s cam, we clicked few by the light of the night. Little had I imagined it could be pieced together (however crappily, thanks for tolerating)!

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