
Archive for October 5th, 2006

I lv u ..I lv u nt

I love
free lunches
to end up at the counter
and before I’m to pay
a voice from behind
who has a birthday
and I’m all sponsored
I give a shit
if it’s after my order’s placed
I’ll goddamn change it
fuck you counter boy
just fucking take my order
and don’t throw me glances
as long as you get the bucks
you’ll do my job
so I will be (unnaturally) nonchalant
double my ordering
add coke to it
and not reach my pocket
and remain happy for the rest of the day
it’s one bonus trip to the same place
thank you, birthday boy
may you live long
and may we be friends as long!

I hate
cell phone messages
the sms lingo
who have free messaging
and who are males
cuz they won’t call
and I have to
my calling equals sms’ing
a rupee for both
so mostly
yes I
end up making calls
to save myself
some frustration
certain avoidable exertion
it’s okay with you ladies
if you’re additionally pretty
and I see
in bothering my fingers
a profitable investment
but in long
yes I do
what they call
short messaging service
damn shit piss!

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